A Special Day at the Women’s Drug and Alcohol Centre in Wyong

On Tuesday the 13th of September I was invited to run a painting workshop at the Women’s Drug and Alcohol Centre in Wyong.

The day consisted of yarning around the table as each of the ladies shared their story. I then shared my story with them, the reason I am here today and how art has helped me heal.

I asked the ladies to take their canvas and paint what was in their heart to express how they were feeling. I guided them with the rest.

Immediately they started mixing their paints, like the spirits were guiding them to share their stories. As I watched, I could see that the ladies were at peace. At times there were no words spoken. There was complete silence in the room. I asked one of the ladies how she felt at that moment and she replied with “I have been taken to a different place.” She was happy.

The artwork the ladies created was so heartfelt and raw. True emotions were released onto each of the canvases.

The time just flew as we yarned, laughed and cried. It was truly a beautiful day.

I feel blessed that I was able to be a part of this day and to take so much away with me.

A piece that inspired the ladies on this day was Gunhinharrung (Grandmother).

Lizzy x


Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Sonnie Scrubs


Featured in House & Garden October 2022